Tales of Therus & Valair

We read fantasy to briefly slip this mortal world and fly on the backs of dragons to see strange and beautiful places. The primal part of us still seeks the stories told around the campfire as the fireflies dance like summer sprites. It whispers to our dormant inner child tempting us to explore the ancient forests and swim with mermaids again.

Families don’t always fit into neat boxes, do they? Whether you are a magical being in Valair, or among the mortals in Therus, the best adventures happen with family and good friends, the family you create, by your side. Facing war, finding a life mate, dealing with shifters, traveling to new lands, confronting dragons, or swapping tales around the campfire holding your favorite tankard of ale, are better when shared with those who have your back. Life without a little chaos and shenanigans would be boring even in the enchanted lands of Valair.